Very old are the woods; And the buds that break Out of the briar's boughs, When March winds wake, So old with their beauty are - Oh, no man knows Through what wild centuries...
A common wayside flower it grew, Unhandsome and unnoticed too, Except in deprecation That such an herb unreared by toil, Prolific cumberer of the soil, Defied extermination. ...
Not all my treasure hath the bandit Time Locked in his glimmering caverns of the Past: Fair women dead and friendships of old rhyme, And noble dreams that had to end at last: -...
All the wide world is but the thought of you: Who made you out of wonder and of dew? Was it some god with tears in his deep eyes, Who loved a woman white and over-wise,...
All things can tempt me from this craft of verse: One time it was a woman's face, or worse, The seeming needs of my fool-driven land; Now nothing but comes readier to the hand...
All things decay with time: The forest sees The growth and down-fall of her aged trees; That timber tall, which three-score lustres stood The proud dictator of the state-like wood,...
Adverse and prosperous fortunes both work on Here, for the righteous man's salvation; Be he oppos'd, or be he not withstood, All serve to th' augmentation of his good.
Across the world she sends me word, From gardens fair as Falerina's, Now by a blossom, now a bird, To come to her, who long has lured With magic sweeter than Alcina's. ...
What my name is, or where I live, or if I am that Alma Bell whose name is broached With Elenor Murray's who shall know from this? My hand-writing I hide in type, I send...
Know you her secret none can utter? Hers of the Book, the tripled Crown? Still on the spire the pigeons flutter, Still by the gateway flits the gown; Still on the street, from corbel and gutter,...
Matthew met Richard, when or where From story is not mighty clear: Of many knotty points they spoke, And pro and con by turns they took: Rats half the manuscript have ate;...
But shall we take the Muse abroad, To drop her idly on the road, And leave our subject in the middle, As Butler did his Bear and Fiddle? Yet he, consummate master, knew When to recede and where pursue:...
Richard, who now was half asleep, Roused, nor would longer silence keep; And sense like this, in vocal breath, Broke from his twofold hedge of teeth. Now if this phrase too harsh be thought,...
Not that dull spleen which serves i' the world for scorn, Is hers I watch from far off, worshipping As in remote Chaldaea the ancient king Adored the star that heralded the morn....
Only a breath - hardly a breath! The shore Is still a huddled alabaster floor Of shelving ice and shattered slabs of cold, Stern wreckage of the fiercely frozen wave,...