Under the snow in the dark and the cold, A pale little sprout was humming; Sweetly it sang, 'neath the frozen mold, Of the beautiful days that were coming. ...
Under the snow, in the dark and the cold, A pale little sprout was humming; Sweetly it sang, 'neath the frozen mould, Of the beautiful days that were coming. ...
In the heroic days when Ferdinand And Isabella ruled the Spanish land, And Torquemada, with his subtle brain, Ruled them, as Grand Inquisitor of Spain,...
There's no wind along these seas, Out oars for Stavenger! Forward all for Stavenger! So we must wake the white-ash breeze, Let fall for Stavenger! A long pull for Stavenger! ...
Of gentle Philips will I ever sing, With gentle Philips shall the valleys ring. My numbers too for ever will I vary, With gentle Budgell and with gentle Carey. Or if in ranging of the names I judge ill,...
Of gentle Philips[78] will I ever sing, With gentle Philips shall the valleys ring; My numbers, too, for ever will I vary, With gentle Budgell,[79] and with gentle Carey.[80]...
Spirit of Earth! thy hand is chill: I've felt its icy clasp; And, shuddering, I remember still That stony-hearted grasp. Thine eye bids love and joy depart: Oh, turn its gaze from me!...
We, three men of commerce, Striving wealth to raise, See but little promise In the coming days; Though our hearts are brittle, Hardened near to stone, We can think a little...
'Tis daily this baste Will prosade to the fayste, The best that Ould Oireland has seen; The P's are but three, But they're plenty for me, - The Pratie, the Pig, the Poteen. ...
Love on the earth alit, Come to be Lord of it; Looked round and laughed with glee, Noble my empery! Straight ere that laugh was done Sprang forth the royal sun, Pouring out golden shine...