"Poor lads! And you for others' wrongs and sins Whose dead past greed and lust did never wince To make your fathers, mothers, and now you Miserable fiends in hell, must expiate, since ...
Here and there on the wings of night A fleck of blue and purple light, A scrap of cloud, a bird, a star, A comet hurrying afar On the abyss, and the moon Standing in her silver shoon. ...
I have beheld two lovers in a night Hatched o'er with moonshine from their stolen delight (When this to that, and that to this, had given A kiss to such a jewel of the heaven,...
To this generation I would say: Memorize some bit of verse of truth or beauty. It may serve a turn in your life. My husband had nothing to do With the fall of the bank - he was only cashier....
My Flower Room is such a little place, Scarce twenty feet by nine; yet in that space I have met God; yea, many a radiant hour Have talked with Him, the All-Embracing-Cause, About His laws....
My heart's on the Rhine in the old Father-land; Where my cradle was rocked by a dear mother's hand, My youth and my friends they are there yet, I know, And my love dreams of me with her cheeks all aglow;...
So grieves th' adventurous merchant, when he throws All the long toil'd-for treasure his ship stows Into the angry main, to save from wrack Himself and men, as I grieve to give back...
Let Romanists all at the Confessional kneel, Let the Jew with disgust turn from it, Let the mighty Crown Prelate in Church pander zeal, Let the Mussulman worship Mahomet. ...
I would not cherish a wish or thought Displeasing, Lord, to Thee; Thy will is good, and with wisdom fraught, And that suffices me. I cannot alter a plan of Thine, And would not if I could;...
Yes, God has made me a woman, And I am content to be Just what He meant, not reaching out For other things, since He Who knows me best and loves me most has ordered this for me. ...
I go to concert, party, ball, What profit is in these? I sit alone against the wall And strive to look at ease. The incense that is mine by right They burn before her shrine;...
'Tis a little room, my friend-- Baby walks from end to end; All the things look sadly real This hot noontide unideal; Vaporous heat from cope to basement...