My hour is not yet come! - these burning eyes Have not yet look'd their last! - else, 'mid the roar Of this wild STORM, what gloomy joy to pour My freed, exhaling Soul! - sublime to rise,...
On the damp margin of the sea-beat shore Lonely at eve to wander; - or reclin'd Beneath a rock, what time the rising wind Mourns o'er the waters, and, with solemn roar,...
The breathing freshness of the shining Morn, Whose beams glance yellow on the distant fields, A sweet, unutterable pleasure yields To my dejected sense, that turns with scorn...
Since my griev'd mind some energy regains, Industrious habits can, at times, repress The weight of filial woe, the deep distress Of life-long separation; yet its pains,...
Thou silent Door of our eternal sleep, Sickness, and pain, debility, and woes, All the dire train of ills Existence knows, Thou shuttest out FOR EVER! - Why then weep...
How sweet to rove, from summer sun-beams veil'd, In gloomy dingles; or to trace the tide Of wandering brooks, their pebbly beds that chide; To feel the west-wind cool refreshment yield,...
Chill'd by unkind Honora's alter'd eye, "Why droops my heart with fruitless woes forlorn," Thankless for much of good? - what thousands, born To ceaseless toil beneath this wintry sky,...
Thou child of NIGHT, and SILENCE, balmy SLEEP, Shed thy soft poppies on my aching brow! And charm to rest the thoughts of whence, or how Vanish'd that priz'd AFFECTION, wont to keep...
INGRATITUDE, how deadly is thy smart Proceeding from the Form we fondly love! How light, compared, all other sorrows prove! THOU shed'st a Night of Woe, from whence depart...
Farewell, false Friend! - our scenes of kindness close! To cordial looks, to sunny smiles farewell! To sweet consolings, that can grief expel, And every joy soft sympathy bestows!...
I love to rise ere gleams the tardy light, Winter's pale dawn; - and as warm fires illume, And cheerful tapers shine around the room, Thro' misty windows bend my musing sight...
Lo! the YEAR's FINAL DAY! - Nature performs Its obsequies with darkness, wind, and rain; But Man is jocund. - Hark! th' exultant strain From towers and steeples drowns the wintry storms!...
My memory, long accustom'd to receive In deep-engraven lines, each varying trait Past Times and Seasons wore, can find no date Thro' many years, O! MAY, when thou hadst leave,...
Since dark December shrouds the transient day, And stormy Winds are howling in their ire, Why com'st not THOU, who always can'st inspire The soul of cheerfulness, and best array...
Rapt CONTEMPLATION, bring thy waking dreams To this umbrageous vale at noon-tide hour, While full of thee seems every bending flower, Whose petals tremble o'er the shadow'd streams!...
While with false pride, and narrow jealousy, Numbers reject each new expression, won, Perchance, from language richer than our own, O! with glad welcome may the POET see...
[1]From Possibility's dim chaos sprung, High o'er its gloom the A'rostatic Power Arose! - Exulting Nations hail'd the hour, Magnific boast of Science! - Loud they sung...
Dark as the silent stream beneath the night, Thy funeral glides to Life's eternal home, Child of its narrow house! - how late the bloom, The facile smile, the soft eye's crystal light,...
Now young-ey'd Spring, on gentle breezes borne, 'Mid the deep woodlands, hills, and vales, and bowers, Unfolds her leaves, her blossoms, and her flowers, Pouring their soft luxuriance on the morn....