Once upon a time there lived a Tinkle-Tinkle. I cannot tell you what he was like, because no man knows, not even the Tinkle-Tinkle himself. Sometimes he lived on the ground, sometimes in a tree, sometimes in the water, sometime...
Once, on a glittering ice-field, ages and ages ago, Ung, a maker of pictures, fashioned an image of snow. Fashioned the form of a tribesman, gaily he whistled and sung,...
"I hear the piano playing Just as a ghost might play." " O, but what are you saying? There's no piano to-day; Their old one was sold and broken; Years past it went amiss."...
The summer morn is bright and fresh, the birds are darting by, As if they loved to breast the breeze that sweeps the cool clear sky; Young Albert, in the forest's edge, has heard a rustling sound,...
Tell me, enigmatic man, whom do you love best? Your father, your mother, your sister, or your brother? "I have neither father, nor mother, nor sister, nor brother." Your friends, then?...
The Stranger within my gate, He may be true or kind, But he does not talk my talk, I cannot feel his mind. I see the face and the eyes and the mouth, But not the soul behind. ...
When trouble haunts me, need I sigh? No, rather smile away despair; For those have been more sad than I, With burthens more than I could bear; Aye, gone rejoicing under care...
In the nook of a wood where a pool freshed with dew Glassed, daybreak till evening, blue sky glimpsing through Then a star; or a slip of May-moon silver-white, Thridding softly aloof the quiet of night,...
Come list, while I tell of the heart-wounded Stranger Who sleeps her last slumber in this haunted ground; Where often, at midnight, the lonely wood-ranger Hears soft fairy music re-echo around. ...
"Now what is that, my daughter dear, upon thy cheek so fair?" "'Tis but a kiss, my mother dear - kind fortune sent it there. It was a courteous stranger-man that gave it unto me,...
O my trade it is the rarest one, Simple shepherds all - My trade is a sight to see; For my customers I tie, and take 'em up on high, And waft 'em to a far countree!
Way up at the top of a big stack of straw Was the cunningest parlor that ever you saw! And there could you lie when aweary of play And gossip or laze in the coziest way;...
Faster, faster, O Circe, Goddess, Let the wild, thronging train The bright procession Of eddying forms, Sweep through my soul! Thou standest, smiling Down on me! thy right arm,...
We had finished our pitiful morsel, And both sat in silence a while; At length we looked up at each other. And I said, with the ghost of a smile, - "Only two little potatoes...