Rabbi Ben Levi, on the Sabbath, read A volume of the Law, in which it said, "No man shall look upon my face and live." And as he read, he prayed that God would give His faithful servant grace with mortal eye...
Into the city of Kambalu, By the road that leadeth to Ispahan, At the head of his dusty caravan, Laden with treasure from realms afar, Baldacca and Kelat and Kandahar,...
King Solomon, before his palace gate At evening, on the pavement tessellate Was walking with a stranger from the East, Arrayed in rich attire as for a feast,...
A little bird, with plumage brown, Beside my window flutters down, A moment chirps its little strain, Ten taps upon my window-pane, And chirps again, and hops along, To call my notice to its song;...
Let others from the feathered brood Which through the garden seeks its food Pick out for a commending word Each one his own peculiar bird; Hail the plump tit, or fitly sing...
O Lord, I cannot but believe The birds do sing thy praises then, when they sing to one another, And they are lying seed-sown land when the winter makes them grieve,...
Behold, within the leafy shade, Those bright blue eggs together laid! On me the chance-discovered sight Gleamed like a vision of delight. I started, seeming to espy The home and sheltered bed,...
I LATELY vowed to leave the nuns alone, So oft their freaks have in my page been shown. The subject may at length fatigue the mind; My Muse the veil howe'er is still inclined,...
The long laments I spent for ruin'd Troy, Are dried; and now mine eyes run teares of joy. No more shall men suppose Electra dead, Though from the consort of her sisters fled...
GENIUS. Time, Fate, and Fortune have at length conspir'd, To give our Age the day so much desir'd. What all the minutes, houres, weekes, months, and yeares, That hang in file upon these silver haires,...
The solemn Sea of Silence lies between us; I know thou livest, and them lovest me, And yet I wish some white ship would come sailing Across the ocean, beating word from thee. ...
A king - estranged from his loving Queen By a foolish royal whim - Tired and sick of the dull routine Of matters surrounding him - Issued a mandate in this wise. - "THE DOWER OF MY DAUGHTER'S HAND...