Our fathers, brave men were and strong, And whiskey was their daily liquor; They used to move the world along In better style than now, and quicker. Elections then were sport, you bet!...
A boy who savour'd of his school, - A double rogue and double fool, - By youth and by the privilege Which pedants have, by ancient right, To alter reason, and abridge, -...
A youngster, who was doubly foolish and doubly a rogue - in which perhaps he savoured of the school he went to - was given, they say, to robbing a neighbour's garden of its fruit and flowers. This may have been because he was t...
O what harper could worthily harp it, Mine Edward! this wide-stretching wold (Look out wold) with its wonderful carpet Of emerald, purple, and gold! Look well at it - also look sharp, it...
Whether I was myself, or else did see Out of myself that glorious hierarchy; Or whether those, in orders rare, or these Made up one state of sixty Venuses; Or whether fairies, syrens, nymphs they were,...
A husband said unto his wife: "Who deals in slander deals in strife; Are we the heralds of disgrace, To thunder, love, at all our race - And, indiscriminate in rage, To spare nor friend nor sex nor age?...
The Scorcher and the Howling Swell were riding through the land; They wept like anything to see the hills on every hand; "If these were only leveled down," they said, "it would be grand." ...
The cavalry-camp lies on the slope Of what was late a vernal hill, But now like a pavement bare - An outpost in the perilous wilds Which ever are lone and still; But Mosby's men are there -...
Once a sculptor who saw for sale a block of marble was so struck with its beauty that he could not resist the temptation to buy it. When it was in his studio he thought to himself, "Now what shall my chisel make of it? Shall it...
Who hath desired the Sea?, the sight of salt wind-hounded, The heave and the halt and the hurl and the crash of the comber win hounded? The sleek-barrelled swell before storm, grey, foamless, enormous, and growing,...
On ear and ear two noises too old to end Trench - right, the tide that ramps against the shore; With a flood or a fall, low lull-off or all roar, Frequenting there while moon shall wear and wend. ...
- - Methought I saw Life swiftly treading over endless space; And, at her foot-print, but a bygone pace, The ocean-past, which, with increasing wave, Swallow'd her steps like a pursuing grave. ...
These are the clouds about the fallen sun, The majesty that shuts his burning eye; The weak lay hand on what the strong has done, Till that be tumbled that was lifted high And discord follow upon unison,...
Hah! how the laurel, great Apollo's tree, And all the cavern shakes! Far off, far off, The man that is unhallow'd: for the god, The god approaches. Hark! he knocks; the gates...
Cyrus Cambyses Son of Persia King, Whom Lady Mandana did to him bring, She daughter unto great Astiages, He in descent the seventh from Arbaces. Cambyses was of Achemenes race,...
Is man's the only throbbing heart that hides The silent spring that feeds its whispering tides? Speak from thy caverns, mystery-breeding Earth, Tell the half-hinted story of thy birth,...