On this day to life she came - May-Rose, my May-Rose! With scented breeze, with flowered flame, She touched the earth and took her name Of May, Rose. ...
Give me more love or more disdain; The torrid, or the frozen zone, Bring equal ease unto my pain; The temperate affords me none; Either extreme, of love, or hate, Is sweeter than a calm estate. ...
Is this, ye Gods, the Capitolian Hill? Yon petty Steep in truth the fearful Rock, Tarpeian named of yore, and keeping still That name, a local Phantom proud to mock The Traveler's expectation? Could our Will...
I saw far off the dark top of a Pine Look like a cloud, a slender stem the tie That bound it to its native earth, poised high 'Mid evening hues, along the horizon line,...
Those old credulities, to nature dear, Shall they no longer bloom upon the stock Of History, stript naked as a rock 'Mid a dry desert? What is it we hear? The glory of Infant Rome must disappear,...
Companion! by whose buoyant Spirit cheered, In whose experience trusting, day by day Treasures I gained with zeal that neither feared The toils nor felt the crosses of the way,...
They who have seen the noble Roman's scorn Break forth at thought of laying down his head, When the blank day is over, garroted In his ancestral palace, where, from morn...
Long has the dew been dried on tree and lawn: O'er man and beast a not unwelcome boon Is shed, the languor of approaching noon; To shady rest withdrawing or withdrawn...
Forgive, illustrious Country! these deep sighs, Heaved less for thy bright plains and hills bestrown With monuments decayed or overthrown, For all that tottering stands or prostrate lies,...
The Baptist might have been ordained to cry Forth from the towers of that huge Pile, wherein His Father served Jehovah; but how win Due audience, how for aught but scorn defy...
Ye Trees! whose slender roots entwine Altars that piety neglects; Whose infant arms enclasp the shrine Which no devotion now respects; If not a straggler from the herd Here ruminate, nor shrouded bird,...
Too frail to keep the lofty vow That must have followed when his brow Was wreathed, "The Vision" tells us how With holly spray, He faltered, drifted to and fro, And passed away. ...
Behold her, single in the field, Yon solitary Highland Lass! Reaping and singing by herself; Stop here, or gently pass! Alone she cuts and binds the grain, And sings a melancholy strain;...
A Famous man is Robin Hood, The English ballad-singer's joy! And Scotland has a thief as good, An outlaw of as daring mood; She has her brave ROB ROY! Then clear the weeds from off his Grave,...
Now we are tired of boisterous joy, Have romped enough, my little Boy! Jane hangs her head upon my breast, And you shall bring your stool and rest; This corner is your own. ...
To barren heath, bleak moor, and quaking fen, Or depth of labyrinthine glen; Or into trackless forest set With trees, whose lofty umbrage met; World-wearied Men withdrew of yore;...
Jesu! bless our slender Boat, By the current swept along; Loud its threatenings, let them not Drown the music of a song Breathed thy mercy to implore, Where these troubled waters roar! ...
Amid this dance of objects sadness steals O'er the defrauded heart while sweeping by, As in a fit of Thespian jollity, Beneath her vine-leaf crown the green Earth reels:...
I listen, but no faculty of mine Avails those modulations to detect, Which, heard in foreign lands, the Swiss affect With tenderest passion; leaving him to pine...
Is then the final page before me spread, Nor further outlet left to mind or heart? Presumptuous Book! too forward to be read, How can I give thee licence to depart? One tribute more: unbidden feelings start...