With a set of uncivil and turbulent cocks, That deserved for their noise to be put in the stocks, A partridge was placed to be rear'd. Her sex, by politeness revered,...
A trading Greek, for want of law, Protection bought of a pashaw; And like a nobleman he paid, Much rather than a man of trade - Protection being, Turkish-wise,...
Pray! Pray! Let loose the bridle. Look not down! The humble horse alone has wisdom here. He knows where blackest the abysses leer And where the path in safety leads us down....
O touch me with your hands - For pity's sake! My brow throbs ever on with such an ache As only your cool touch may take away; And so, I pray You, touch me with your hands! ...
That story which the bold Sir Bedivere, First made and latest left of all the knights, Told, when the man was no more than a voice In the white winter of his age, to those...
When Music, heavenly maid, was young, While yet in early Greece she sung, The Passions oft, to hear her shell, Thronged around her magic cell, Exulting, trembling, raging, fainting,...
The greeting of the company throughout Was like a jubilee, - the children's shout And fusillading hand-claps, with great guns And detonations of the older ones, Raged to such tumult of tempestuous joy,...
Once a flock of stately peacocks Promenaded on a green, There were twenty-two or three cocks, Each as proud as seventeen, And a glance, however hasty, Showed their plumage to be tasty;...
When first I came to town, resolved To fight my way alone, No prouder foot than mine e'er trod Upon the pavement stone; But I am one in thousands, And why should I repine?...
Angel of Peace, the hounds of war, Unleashed, are all abroad, And war's foul trade again is made Man's leading aim in life. Blood dyes the billow and the sod; The very winds are rife...
Thank God for rest, where none molest, And none can make afraid; For Peace that sits as Plenty's guest Beneath the homestead shade! Bring pike and gun, the sword's red scourge,...
Still in thy streets, O Paris! doth the stain Of blood defy the cleansing autumn rain; Still breaks the smoke Messina's ruins through, And Naples mourns that new Bartholomew,...
ONCE on a time, as hist'ry's page relates, A lord, possessed of many large estates, Was angry with a poor and humble clod, Who tilled his grounds and feared his very nod....
"To Panurge was assigned the Laird-ship of Salmagundi, which was yearly worth 6,789,106,789 ryals besides the revenue of the Locusts and Periwinkles, amounting one year with another to the value of 2,485,768," etc.--RABELAIS....
Once a turtle, finding plenty In seclusion to bewitch, Lived a dolce far niente Kind of life within a ditch; Rivers had no charm for him, As he told his wife and daughter,...
Lives there a bard for genius famed Whom Envy's tongue hath not declaimed? Her hissing snakes proclaim her spite; She summons up the fiends of night; Hatred and malice by her stand,...