When battles were fought With a chivalrous sense of Should and Ought, In spirit men said, "End we quick or dead, Honour is some reward! Let us fight fair - for our own best or worst;...
When my old heart was young, my dear, The Earth and Heaven were so near That in my dreams I oft could hear The steps of unseen races; In woodlands, where bright waters ran,...
"Build me a nation," said the Lord. The distant nations heard the word, Build me a nation true and strong, Bar out the old world's hate and wrong; For men had traced with blood and tears...
A monarch is pestered with cares, Though, no doubt, he can often trepan them; But one comes in a shape he can never escape - The implacable National Anthem! Though for quiet and rest he may yearn,...
There is a field, through which I often pass, Thick overspread with moss and silky grass, Adjoining close to Kilwick's echoing wood, Where oft the bitch-fox hides her hapless brood,...
Amor, not the child, the youthful lover of Psyche, Look'd round Olympus one day, boldly, to triumph inured; There he espied a goddess, the fairest amongst the immortals,...
If I have given myself to you and you, And if these pale hands are not virginal, Nor these bright lips beneath your own lips true, What matters it? I do not stand nor fall...
A man, in many a country town, we know, Professes openly with death to wrestle; Ent'ring the field against the grimly foe, Arm'd with a mortar and a pestle.
Comrade, yet a little further I would go before the night Closes round and chills in darkness all the glorious sunset light - Yet a little, by the cliff there, till the stately home I see...
In the cedar shadow sleeping, Where cool grass and fragrant glooms Oft at noon have lur'd me, creeping From your darken'd palace rooms: I, who in your train at morning...
Dark the halls, and cold the feast, Gone the bridemaids, gone the priest. All is over, all is done, Twain of yesterday are one! Blooming girl and manhood gray, Autumn in the arms of May! ...
Then, fare thee well, my own dear love, This world has now for us No greater grief, no pain above The pain of parting thus, Dear love! The pain of parting thus. ...
A nightingale, that all day long Had cheer'd the village with his song, Nor yet at eve his note suspended, Nor yet when eventide was ended, Began to feel, as well he might, The keen demands of appetite;...