We learnt the creed at Hungerford, We learnt the creed at Bourke; We learnt it in the good times And learnt it out of work. We learnt it by the harbour-side And on the billabong:...
'Tis a wonderful time when these hours begin, These long 'small hours' of night, When grass is crisp, and the air is thin, And the stars come close and bright. The moon hangs caught in a silvery veil,...
Ask me no more: the moon may draw the sea; The cloud may stoop from heaven and take the shape, With fold to fold, of mountain or of cape; But O too fond, when have I answer'd thee? Ask me no more....
Now sleeps the crimson petal, now the white; Nor waves the cypress in the palace walk; Nor winks the gold fin in the porphyry font: The fire-fly wakens: waken thou with me....
Our enemies have fall'n, have fall'n: the seed, The little seed they laugh'd at in the dark, Has risen and cleft the soil, and grown a bulk Of spanless girth, that lays on every side...
America will not turn back; She did not idly start, But weighed full carefully and well Her grave, important part. She chose the part of Freedom's friend, And will pursue it, to the end. ...
Like some sad spirit from an unknown shore Thou comest with two children in thine arms: Flushed, poppied Sleep, whom mortals aye adore, Her flowing raiment sculptured to her charms....
"Here is a lantern, my little boy," Said a father to his child, "And yonder's a wood, a lonely wood, Tangled, and rough, and wild; And now, this night, - this very hour, Though gloomy and dark it be,...
This sentence have I left behind: An aching body, and a mind Not wholly clear, nor wholly blind, Too keen to rest, too weak to find, That travails sore, and brings forth wind,...
"A soldier of the Union mustered out," Is the inscription on an unknown grave At Newport News, beside the salt-sea wave, Nameless and dateless; sentinel or scout Shot down in skirmish, or disastrous rout...
A narrow girdle of rough stones and crags, A rude and natural causeway, interposed Between the water and a winding slope Of copse and thicket, leaves the eastern shore Of Grasmere safe in its own privacy:...
From our Dominion never Take Thy protecting hand, United, Lord, for ever Keep Thou our fathers' land! From where Atlantic terrors Our hardy seamen train, To where the salt sea mirrors...
Dark over the face of Nature sublime! Reign'd tyranny, warfare, and every crime; The world a desert'no oasis green A man-loving soul on its surface had seen; Then mercy above a mandate sent forth...
When boyhood's fire was in my blood I read of ancient freemen For Greece and Rome who bravely stood, THREE HUNDRED MEN AND THREE MEN.[1] And then I prayed I yet might see...