Upon Paul's steeple stands a tree As full of apples as may be, The little boys of London town They run with hooks to pull them down; And then they run from hedge to hedge Until they come to London Bridge.
Sur le pont d'Avignon, Tout le monde y danse, danse; Sur le pont d'Avignon, Tout le monde y danse en rond. Les beaux messieurs font comm' 'a, Et puis encor' comm' 'a: Sur le pont d'Avignon,...
"How Master that little Dog pets!" Thinks the Ass; & with jealousy frets, So he climbs Master's knees, Hoping dog-like to please, And a drubbing is all that he gets. ...
"What pranks I shall play!" thought the Ass, "In this skin for a Lion to pass;" But he left one ear out, And a hiding, no doubt, "Lion" had--on the skin of an Ass! ...
"Get up! let us flee from the Foe," Said the Man: but the Ass said, "Why so?" "Will they double my load, Or my blows? Then, by goad, And by stirrup, I've no cause to go."
Crafty Lion,--perhaps with the gout, Kept his cave; where, to solve any doubt, Many visitors go: But the Ass, he said "No! They go in, but I've seen none come out."
"Their honey I'll have when I please; Who cares for such small things as Bees?" Said the Bear; but the stings Of these very small things Left him not very much at his ease. ...
In the house, in the market, the streets, Everywhere he was boasting his feats; Till one said, with a sneer, "Let us see it done here! What's so oft done with ease, one repeats."
To his sons, who fell out, father spake: "This Bundle of Sticks you can't break; Take them singly, with ease, You may break as you please, So, dissension your strength will unmake." ...
A carrion crow sat on an oak, Derry, derry, derry, decco; A carrion crow sat on an oak, Watching a tailor shaping his cloak. Heigh-ho! the carrion crow, Derry, derry, derry, decco. ...
The Fox said "I can play, when it fits, Many wiles that with man make me quits." "But my trick's up a tree!" Said the Cat, safe to see Clever Fox hunted out of his wits. ...
"Might his Cat be a woman," he said: Venus changed her: the couple were wed: But a mouse in her sight Metamorphosed her quite, And for bride, a cat found he instead.
A rooster, while scratching for grain, Found a Pearl. He just paused to explain That a jewel's no good To a fowl wanting food, And then kicked it aside with disdain. ...
How the cunning old Crow got his drink When 'twas low in the pitcher, just think! Don't say that he spilled it! With pebbles he filled it, Till the water rose up to the brink.
From the hounds the swift Deer sped away, To his cave, where in past times he lay Well concealed; unaware Of a Lion couched there, For a spring that soon made him his prey. ...
A Cow sought a mouthful of hay; But a Dog in the manger there lay, And he snapped out "how now?" When most mildly, the Cow Adventured a morsel to pray.