A buffalo, lord of the plain, With massive neck and mighty mane, While from his herd he slowly strays, He on green herbage calm doth graze, And when at last he lifts his eyes...
Two youths employed at the fur fort Resolved to have half day of sport, From Jasper House, in the far north, For game they joyous issued forth, The factor of the Hudson Bay...
John Galt was the manager of the Canada Company's lands, and he was a Scottish Novelist. Dunlop was at one time an eminent British Journalist, but he finally settled near Goderich. The town of Galt is named after John Galt....
About one third of a century ago there flourished in Canada three Scottish editors, all of whom were poets, McQueen of the Huron Signal, Goderich, who wrote a grand song on "Our Broad Lake," and McGeorge of the Streetsville Rev...
A tale we'll tell of what hath been When maids and youths kept Hallowe'en, It is a tale of old world lore What happened in the days of yore, When fairies danced upon the green So merrily on Hallowe'en,...
All those who quality do prize Must study color, taste and size, And keep their dishes clean and sweet, And all things round their factories neat, For dairymen insist that these...