The birds laugh loud and long together When Fashion's followers speed away At the first cool breath of autumn weather. Why, this is the time, cry the birds, to stay!...
Into the gloom of the deep, dark night, With panting breath and a startled scream; Swift as a bird in sudden flight Darts this creature of steel and steam.
Born in the flesh, and bred in the bone, Some of us harbour still A New World pride: and we flaunt or hide The Spirit of Bunker Hill. We claim our place, as a separate race, Or a self-created clan;...
Time with his back against the mighty wall, Which hides from view all future joy and sorrow, Hears, without answer, the impatient call Of puny man, to tell him of to-morrow. ...
There is no thing we cannot overcome Say not thy evil instinct is inherited, Or that some trait inborn makes thy whole life forlorn, And calls down punishment that is not merited. ...
Too tall our structures, and too swift our pace; Not so we mount, not so we gain the race. Too loud the voice of commerce in the land; Not so truth speaks, not so we understand....
Above the din of commerce, above the clamour and rattle Of labour disputing with riches, of Anarchists' threats and groans, Above the hurry and hustle and roar of that bloodless battle,...
Hark! high o'er the rattle and clamour and clatter Of traffic-filled streets, do you hear that loud noise? And pushing and rushing to see what's the matter, Like herds of wild cattle, go pell-mell the boys. ...
The bold young Autumn came riding along One day where an elm-tree grew. "You are fair," he said, as she bent down her head, "Too fair for your robe's dull hue. You are far too young for a garb so old;...
Lie down, and let the billows hide your shame, Oh, shorn and naked outcast of the seas! You who confided to each ocean breeze Your coming conquests, and made loud acclaim...
Through the open door of dreamland Came a ghost of long ago, long ago. When I wakened, all unheeding Was the phantom to my pleading; For he would not turn and go, But beside me all the day,...
There was no wind, and yet the air Seemed suddenly astir; There were no forms, and yet all space Seemed thronged with growing hosts. They came from Where, and from Nowhere, Like phantoms as they were;...
Oh! the maidens of France are certainly fine, And I think every fellow will state That the 'what-you-may-call-it' coiffured way They put up their hair is great!...
All your wonderful inventions, All your houses vast and tall, All your great gun-fronted vessels, Every fort and every wall, With the passing of the ages, They shall pass and they shall fall. ...
A rose in my garden, the sweetest and fairest, Was hanging her head through the long golden hours; And early one morning I saw her tears falling, And heard a low gossiping talk in the bowers....
I saw them beautiful, in fair array upon Commencement Day; Lissome and lovely, radiant and sweet As cultured roses, brought to their estate By careful training. Finished and complete...
Hear thou my prayer, great God of opulence; Give me no blessings, save as recompense For blessings which I lovingly bestow On needy stranger or on suffering foe....