My little story, Cousin Rufus said, Is not so much a story as a fact. It is about a certain willful boy - An aggrieved, unappreciated boy, Grown to dislike his own home very much,...
We thought we ranked above the chance of ill. Others might fall, not we, for we were wise, Merchants in freedom. So, of our free-will We let our servants drug our strength with lies....
Now eve's hours hot noon succeed; And day's herald, wing'd with speed, Flush'd with summer's ruddy face, Hies to light some cooler place. Now industry her hand has dropt, And the din of labour's stopt:...
With rosy hand a little girl press'd down A boss of fresh-cull'd cowslips in a rill: Often as they sprang up again, a frown Show'd she dislik'd resistance to her will:...
I hear it said yon land is poor, In spite of those rich cowslips there - And all the singing larks it shoots To heaven from the cowslips' roots. But I, with eyes that beauty find,...
Blown out of the prairie in twilight and dew, Half bold and half timid, yet lazy all through; Loath ever to leave, and yet fearful to stay, He limps in the clearing, an outcast in gray. ...
What does little birdie say In her nest at peep of day? Let me fly, says little birdie, Mother, let me fly away. Birdie, rest a little longer, Till thy little wings are stronger....
(To a tune of Blake's) I. Baby, baby bright, Sleep can steal from sight Little of your light: Soft as fire in dew, Still the life in you Lights your slumber through....
There's nothing I know of to make you spend A day of your life at Cragwell End. It's a village quiet and grey and old, A little village tucked into a fold (A sort of valley, not over wide)...
Craigo Woods, wi' the splash o' the cauld rain beatin' I' the back end o' the year, When the clouds hang laigh wi' the weicht o' their load o' greetin' And the autumn wind's asteer;...
'Tis strange how like a very dunce, Man - with his bumps upon his sconce, Has lived so long, and yet no knowledge he Has had, till lately, of Phrenology - A science that by simple dint of...
Still life, still life ... the high-lights shine Hard and sharp on the bottles: the wine Stands firmly solid in the glasses, Smooth yellow ice, through which there passes...
The Crankadox leaned o'er the edge of the moon And wistfully gazed on the sea Where the Gryxabodill madly whistled a tune To the air of "Ti-fol-de-ding-dee." The quavering shriek of the Fly-up-the-creek...
I know, although when looks meet I tremble to the bone, The more I leave the door unlatched The sooner love is gone, For love is but a skein unwound Between the dark and dawn. ...