I sit by the fire musing, With sad and downcast eye, And my laden breast gives utt'rance To many a weary sigh; Hushed is each worldly feeling, Dimmed is each day-dream bright -...
Of many gifts bestowed on earth To cheer a lonely hour, Oh is there one of equal worth With music's magic power? 'Twill charm each angry thought to rest, 'Twill gloomy care dispel,...
Faded and pale their beauty, vanished their early bloom, Their folded leaves emit alone a sweet though faint perfume, But, oh! than brightest bud or flower to me are they more dear,...
Grief reigns now within the convent walls, And sadly float through its silent halls The notes of a requiem - solemn, clear, Falling like wail on each listening ear,...
I have passed the day 'mid the forest gay, In its gorgeous autumn dyes, Its tints as bright and as fair to the sight As the hues of our sunset skies; And the sun's glad rays veiled by golden haze,...
Lonely and silent and calm it lies 'Neath rosy dawn or midnight skies; So densely peopled, yet so still, The murmuring voice of mountain rill, The plaint the wind 'mid branches wakes,...
Close beside the crystal waters of Jacob's far-famed well, Whose dewy coolness gratefully upon the parched air fell, Reflecting back the bright hot heavens within its waveless breast,...
With what a flood of wondrous thoughts Each Christian breast must swell When, wandering back through ages past, With simple faith they dwell On quiet Nazareth's sacred sod,...
My simple story is of those times ere the magic power of steam First whirled the traveller o'er the plains with the swiftness of a dream, Reducing to a few days' time the journey of many a week,...
'Neath the radiance faint of the starlit sky The gleaming snow-drifts lay wide and high; O'er hill and dell stretched a mantle white, The branches glittered with crystal bright;...
How oft I've longed to gaze on thee, Thou proud and mighty deep! Thy vast horizon, boundless, free, Thy coast so rude and steep; And now entranced I breathless stand, Where earth and ocean meet,...
It is now two hundred years and more Since first set foot on Canadian shore That saint-like heroine, fair and pure, Prepared all things for Christ to endure; Resigning rank and kindred ties,...
"Open the coffin and shroud until I look on the dead again Ere we place her in Grenada's vaults, Where sleep the Monarchs of Spain; For unto King Charles must I swear That I myself have seen...
'Tis midnight, and solemn darkness broods In a lonely, sacred fane - The church of Our Lady of Montserrat, So famous throughout all Spain; For countless were the pilgrim hosts...
He sat by the dusty way-side, With weary, hopeless mien, On his furrowed brow the traces Of care and want were seen; With outstretched hand and with bowed-down head He asked the passers-by for bread....
O say, dear sister, are you coming Forth to the fields with me? The very air is gaily ringing With hum of bird and bee, And crowds of swallows now are chirping Up in our ancient thorn,...
She stands in front of her mirror With bright and joyous air, Smoothes out with a skilful hand Her waves of golden hair; But the tell tale roses on her cheek, So changing yet so bright,...
Buried in childhood's cloudless dreams, a fair-haired nursling lay, A soft smile hovered round the lips as if still oped to pray; And then a vision came to him, of beauty, strange and mild,...
Fair as a wreath of fresh spring flowers, a band of maidens lay On the velvet sward - enjoying the golden summer day; And many a ringing silv'ry laugh on the calm air clearly fell,...