It is nothing to me, the beauty said, With a careless toss of her pretty head; The man is weak if he can't refrain From the cup you say is fraught with pain. It was something to her in after years,...
Like Dives in the deeps of Hell I cannot break this fearful spell, Nor quench the fires I've madly nursed, Nor cool this dreadful raging thirst. Take back your pledge - ye come too late!...
We may sigh o'er the heavy burdens Of the black, the brown and white; But if we all clasped hands together The burdens would be more light. How to solve life's saddest problems,...
"Tim Thompson, a little negro boy, was asked to dance for the amusement of some white toughs. He refused, saying he was a church member. One of the men knocked him down with a club and then danced upon his prostrate form. He th...
"Build me a nation," said the Lord. The distant nations heard the word, Build me a nation true and strong, Bar out the old world's hate and wrong; For men had traced with blood and tears...