Beauties, have ye seen this toy, Called love, a little boy Almost naked, wanton, blind, Cruel now, and then as kind? If he be amongst ye, say! He is Venus' runaway. ...
'Tis growne almost a danger to speake true Of any good minde, now: There are so few. The bad, by number, are so fortified, As what th'have lost t'expect, they dare deride....
Wouldst thou hear what man can say In a little? Reader, stay. Underneath this stone doth lie As much beauty as could die; Which in life did harbor give To more virture than doth live. ...
Weep with me, all you that read This little story; And know for whom a tear you shed, Death's self is sorry. 'Twas a child that so did thrive In grace and feature,...
Not to know vice at all, and keepe true state, Is vertue, and not Fate: Next, to that vertue, is to know vice well, And her black spight expell. Which to effect (since no brest is so sure,...
Great lucid streamers bar the sky ahead (bifurcated banners at a tourney) light alchemizes the brass on the bridge into sallow gold now the short northern...
Kim, composite of all my loves, less real than most, more real than all; of my making, all the good and some of the bad, yet of yourself; sole, unique, strong, alone, whole, independent, one: yet mine...
The owl is abroad,the bat and the toad, And so is the cat-a mountain, The ant and the mole sit both in a hole, And frog peeps out o'the fountain; The dogs they do bay,and the timbrels play,...
The faery beam upon you, The stars to glister on you; A moon of light In the noon of night, Till the fire-drake hath o'ergone you! The wheel of fortune guide you,...
Have you seen but a bright lily grow Before rude hands have touched it? Have you marked but the fall of snow Before the soil hath smutched it? Have you felt the wool of beaver, Or swan's down ever?...
Queen and huntress, chaste and fair, Now the sun is laid to sleep, Seated in thy silver chair, State in wonted manner keep: Hesperus entreats thy light, Goddess excellently bright. ...
In the ember days of my last free summer, here I lie, outside myself, watching the gross body eating a poor curry: satisfied at what I have done, scared of what I have to do in my last free winter.
Tonight, grave sir, both my poor house and I Do equally desire your company; Not that we think us worthy such a guest, But that your worth will dignify our feast...
It is not growing like a tree In bulk doth make Man better be; Or standing long an oak, three hundred year, To fall a log at last, dry, bald, and sere: A lily of a day Is fairer far in May,...
Though I am young, and cannot tell, Either what love, or death is well, Yet I have heard, yet both bear darts, And both do aim at human hearts: And then again, I have been told...
Walking, snow falling, it is possible to focus at various distances in turn on separate flakes, sharply engage the attention at several spatial points: the nearer cold and more uncomfortable,...
The decorously informative church Guide to Sex suggested that any urge could well be controlled by playing tennis: and the game provided also "many harmless opportunities for healthy...
I now think Love is rather deaf than blind, For else it could not be That she, Whom I adore so much, should so slight me And cast my love behind; I'm sure my language to her was as sweet,...