Oh, Scotty, have you visited the Picture Gallery, And did you see the portraits of the King and Queen and me? The portraits made by Longstaff, and the pictures done by Jack,...
He is coming! He is coming! without heralds, without cheers. He is coming! He is coming! and he's been with us for years: And, if you should pause to wonder who's the man of whom I sing,...
Let the liar call me liar, And the robber call me thief. They can only fan the fire That is born of my belief. While I'm speaking, while I'm writing, To reform the wrongful laws,...
The Lady of the Motor-car she stareth straight ahead; Her face is like the stone, my friend, her face is like the dead; Her face is like the stone, my friend, because she is 'well-bred',...
Turn the light down, nurse, and leave me, while I hold my last review, For the Bush is slipping from me, and the town is going too: Draw the blinds, the streets are lighted, and I hear the tramp of feet,...
Because he had sinned and suffered, because he loved the land, And because of his wonderful sympathy, he held men's hearts in his hand. Born and bred of the people, he knew their every whim,...
Light on the towns and cities, and peace for evermore! The Big Five met in the world's light as many had met before, And the future of man is settled and there shall be no more war. ...
In the days that will be olden after many years are gone, Ere the world emerged from darkness floating out into the dawn, On a mountain rising steeply from the depth of marsh and wood...
Out there by the rocks, at the end of the bank, In the mouth of the river, the Wanderer sank. She is resting where meet the blue water and green, And only her masts and her funnel are seen;...
Fire lighted; on the table a meal for sleepy men; A lantern in the stable; a jingle now and then; The mail-coach looming darkly by light on moon and star; The growl of sleepy voices; a candle in the bar;...
I Looked upon the lilies When the morning sun was low, And the sun shone through a lily With a softened honey glow. A spot was in the lily That moved incessantly, And when I looked into the cup...
Oh, Great White Czar of Russia, who hid your face and ran, You've flung afar the grandest chance that ever came to man! You might have been, and could have been, ah, think it to your shame!,...
I'm glad that the Bushmen can't see me now A-doing it tall in the town; I've an inch-brimmed hat on my sun-burnt brow, And my collar jumps up and down. I'm wearing a vest that would charm a snake,...
I long for the streets but the Lord knoweth best, For there I am never a saint; There are lovable characters out in the West, With humour heroic and quaint; And, be it Up Country, or be it Out Back,...
They were hanging men in Buckland who would not cheer King George, The parson from his pulpit and the blacksmith from his forge; They were hanging men and brothers, and the stoutest heart was down,...
Are you coming, Ivan, coming?, Ah, the ways are long and slow, In the vast land that we know not, and we never sought to know. We are watching through the daybreak, when the anxious night is done,...