Man is a watch, wound up at first, but never Wound up again; Once down, he's down for ever. The watch once down, all motions then do cease; The man's pulse stopt, all passions sleep in peace.
She gave her soul and body for a carriage, And livened lackey with a vacant grin, And all the rest -house, lands -and called it marriage: The bargain made, a husband was thrown in. ...
From out a windy cleft there comes a gaze Of eyes unearthly, which go to and fro Upon the people's tumult, for below The nations smite each other: no amaze Troubles their liquid rolling, or affrays...
Night-Lights are falling; Girl of the street, Go to your calling If you would eat. Lamplight and starlight And moonlight superb, Bright hope is a farlight, So watch on the kerb....
Let others make the songs of love For our young struggling nation; But I will sing while e'er I live The Songs of Irrigation; For while the white man shall beget The white man's son and daughter,...
"Begone, thou fond presumptuous Elf," Exclaimed an angry Voice, "Nor dare to thrust thy foolish self Between me and my choice!" A small Cascade fresh swoln with snows...
As I gae'd doon by the twa mill dams i' the mornin' The water-hen cam' oot like a passin' wraith And her voice cam' through the reeds wi' a sound of warnin', "Faith - keep faith!"...