Is the song of Rosa mute? Once such lays inspired her lute! Never doth a sweeter song Steal the breezy lyre along, When the wind, in odors dying, Woos it with enamor'd sighing. ...
Rose, when I remember you, Little lady, scarcely two, I am suddenly aware Of the angels in the air. All your softly gracious ways Make an island in my days Where my thoughts fly back to be...
Rotha, my Spiritual Child! this head was grey When at the sacred font for thee I stood; Pledged till thou reach the verge of womanhood, And shalt become thy own sufficient stay:...
All hail! inexorable lord! At whose destruction-breathing word, The mightiest empires fall! Thy cruel, woe-delighted train, The ministers of grief and pain, A sullen welcome, all!...
Who tamed your lawless Tartar blood? What David bearded in her den The Russian bear in ages when You strode your black, unbridled stud, A skin-clad savage of your steppes?...
Dear President, whose art sublime Gives perpetuity to time, And bids transactions of a day, That fleeting hours would waft away To dark futurity, survive, And in unfading beauty live,'...
How blest art thou, canst love the countrey, Wroth, Whether by choyce, or fate, or both! And, though so neere the Citie, and the Court, Art tane with neithers vice, nor sport:...
When factious rage to cruel exile drove The queen of beauty,[1] and the court of love, The Muses droop'd, with their forsaken arts, And the sad Cupids broke their useless darts:...
Whether the fruitful Nile, or Tyrian shore, The seeds of arts and infant science bore, 'Tis sure the noble plant, translated first, Advanced its head in Grecian gardens nursed....
See and not see, and if thou chance t'espy Some aberrations in my poetry, Wink at small faults; the greater, ne'ertheless, Hide, and with them their father's nakedness....
'Tis sweet to recollect life's past controls, And turn to days of sorrow when they're bye, And think of gentle friends and feeling souls That offered shelter when the storm was high,--...
Calvert! it must not be unheard by them Who may respect my name, that I to thee Owed many years of early liberty. This care was thine when sickness did condemn Thy youth to hopeless wasting, root and stem...