I listen, but no faculty of mine Avails those modulations to detect, Which, heard in foreign lands, the Swiss affect With tenderest passion; leaving him to pine...
Now that the farewell tear is dried, Heaven prosper thee, be hope thy guide Hope be thy guide, adventurous Boy; The wages of thy travel, joy! Whether for London bound, to trill...
With nodding plumes, and lightly drest Like foresters in leaf-green vest, The Helvetian Mountaineers, on ground For Tell's dread archery renowned, Before the target stood, to claim...
Vallombrosa! I longed in thy shadiest wood To slumber, reclined on the moss-covered floor, To listen to Anio's precipitous flood, When the stillness of evening hath deepened its roar;...
By antique Fancy trimmed, though lowly, bred To dignity in thee, O Schwytz! are seen The genuine features of the golden mean; Equality by Prudence governed, Or jealous Nature ruling in her stead;...
Ambition, following down this far-famed slope Her Pioneer, the snow-dissolving Sun, While clarions prate of kingdoms to be won Perchance, in future ages, here may stop;...
How blest the Maid whose heart, yet free From Love's uneasy sovereignty Beats with a fancy running high, Her simple cares to magnify; Whom Labour, never urged to toil,...
High on her speculative tower Stood Science waiting for the hour When Sol was destined to endure 'That' darkening of his radiant face Which Superstition strove to chase, Erewhile, with rites impure....
What beast of chase hath broken from the cover? Stern Gemmi listens to as full a cry, As multitudinous a harmony Of sounds as rang the heights of Latmos over, When, from the soft couch of her sleeping Lover,...
Lulled by the sound of pastoral bells, Rude Nature's Pilgrims did we go, From the dread summit of the Queen Of mountains, through a deep ravine, Where, in her holy chapel, dwells "Our Lady of the Snow."...
Lo! in the burning west, the craggy nape Of a proud Ararat! and, thereupon, The Ark, her melancholy voyage done! Yon rampant cloud mimics a lion's shape; There, combats a huge crocodile agape...
To appease the Gods; or public thanks to yield; Or to solicit knowledge of events, Which in her breast Futurity concealed; And that the past might have its true intents Feelingly told by living monuments...
Why cast ye back upon the Gallic shore, Ye furious waves! a patriotic Son Of England, who in hope her coast had won, His project crowned, his pleasant travel o'er?...
Where be the noisy followers of the game Which faction breeds; the turmoil where? that passed Through Europe, echoing from the newsman's blast, And filled our hearts with grief for England's shame....
From the Pier's head, musing, and with increase Of wonder, I have watched this sea-side Town, Under the white cliff's battlemented crown, Hushed to a depth of more than Sabbath peace:...
Is then the final page before me spread, Nor further outlet left to mind or heart? Presumptuous Book! too forward to be read, How can I give thee licence to depart? One tribute more: unbidden feelings start...
How am I to punish thee, For the wrong thou'st done to me Silly swallow, prating thing-- Shall I clip that wheeling wing? Or, as Tereus did, of old,[2] (So the fabled tale is told,)...
"Tell me, gentle youth, I pray thee, What in purchase shall I pay thee For this little waxen toy, Image of the Paphian boy?" Thus I said, the other day, To a youth who past my way:...