The line-storm clouds fly tattered and swift. The road is forlorn all day, Where a myriad snowy quartz stones lift, And the hoof-prints vanish away. The roadside flowers, too wet for the bee,...
Brook, of the listening grass, Brook of the sun-fleckt wings, Brook of the same wild way and flickering spell! Must you begone? Will you forever pass, After so many years and dear to tell?--...
Oh, a great world, a fair world, a true world I find it; A sun that never forgets to rise, On the darkest night, a star in the skies, And a God of love behind it. ...
I saw a certain sailorman who sat beside the sea, And in the manner of his tribe he yawned this yarn to me: "'Twere back in eighteen-fifty-three, or mebbe fifty-four,...
All on a golden summer day, As through the leaves a single ray Of yellow sunshine finds its way So bright, so bright; The wakened birds that blithely sing Seem welcoming another spring;...
They are flocking from the East And the West, They are flocking from the North And the South, Every moment setting forth From realm of snake or lion, Swamp or sand, Ice or burning;...
In a church which is furnish'd with mullion and gable, With altar and reredos, with gargoyle and groin, The penitents' dresses are sealskin and sable, The odour of sanctity's eau-de-Cologne. ...
They are chanting now the service of All the Dead And the village folk outside in the burying ground Listen - except those who strive with their dead, Reaching out in anguish, yet unable quite to touch them:...
The leaves fall softly: a wind of sighs Whispers the world's infirmities, Whispers the tale of the waning years, While slow mists gather in shrouding tears On All Souls' Day; and the bells are slow...
Midnight has come, and the great Christ Church Bell And may a lesser bell sound through the room; And it is All Souls' Night, And two long glasses brimmed with muscatel...
The clouds, which rise with thunder, slake Our thirsty souls with rain; The blow most dreaded falls to break From off our limbs a chain; And wrongs of man to man but make The love of God more plain....
Is the pathway dark and dreary? God's in His heaven! Are you broken, heart-sick, weary? God's in His heaven! Dreariest roads shall have an ending, Broken hearts are for God's mending....
All that's bright must fade,-- The brightest still the fleetest; All that's sweet was made But to be lost when sweetest. Stars that shine and fall;-- The flower that drops in springing;--...
All that's not love is the dearth of my days, The leaves of the volume with rubric unwrit, The temple in times without prayer, without praise, The altar unset and the candle unlit. ...
Very old are the woods; And the buds that break Out of the briar's boughs, When March winds wake, So old with their beauty are - Oh, no man knows Through what wild centuries...
Not that dull spleen which serves i' the world for scorn, Is hers I watch from far off, worshipping As in remote Chaldaea the ancient king Adored the star that heralded the morn....