Fain had I to-day surprised my mistress, But soon found I that her door was fasten'd. Yet I had the key safe in my pocket, And the darling door I open'd softly! In the parlour found I not the maiden,...
Young woman, may God bless thee, Thee, and the sucking infant Upon thy breast! Let me, 'gainst this rocky wall, Neath the elm-tree's shadow, Lay aside my burden,...
He whom thou ne'er leavest, Genius, Feels no dread within his heart At the tempest or the rain. He whom thou ne'er leavest, Genius, Will to the rain-clouds, Will to the hailstorm, Sing in reply...
Though tempers are bad and peevish folks swear, Remember to ruffle thy brows, friend, ne'er; And let not the fancies of women so fair E'er serve thy pleasure in life to impair.
A Feast was in a village spread, It was a wedding-day, they said. The parlour of the inn I found, And saw the couples whirling round, Each lass attended by her lad,...
One day a shameless and impudent wight Went into a shop full of steel wares bright, Arranged with art upon ev'ry shelf. He fancied they were all meant for himself; And so, while the patient owner stood by,...