Another day let slip! Its hours have run, Its golden hours, with prodigal excess, All run to waste. A day of life the less; Of many wasted days, alas, but one! ...
From the date that the doors of his prep-school close On the lonely little son He is taught by precept, insult, and blows The Things that Are Never Done. Year after year, without favour or fear,...
Man is a watch, wound up at first, but never Wound up again; Once down, he's down for ever. The watch once down, all motions then do cease; The man's pulse stopt, all passions sleep in peace.
She gave her soul and body for a carriage, And livened lackey with a vacant grin, And all the rest -house, lands -and called it marriage: The bargain made, a husband was thrown in. ...
From out a windy cleft there comes a gaze Of eyes unearthly, which go to and fro Upon the people's tumult, for below The nations smite each other: no amaze Troubles their liquid rolling, or affrays...
Night-Lights are falling; Girl of the street, Go to your calling If you would eat. Lamplight and starlight And moonlight superb, Bright hope is a farlight, So watch on the kerb....
Let others make the songs of love For our young struggling nation; But I will sing while e'er I live The Songs of Irrigation; For while the white man shall beget The white man's son and daughter,...