Jelaludin Muhammed Akbar, Guardian of Mankind, Moved his standards out of Delhi to Jaunpore of lower Hind, Where a mosque was to be builded, and a lovelier ne'er was planned;...
Low lies the mere beneath the moorside, still And glad of silence: down the wood sweeps clear To the utmost verge where fed with many a rill Low lies the mere. ...
Krinken was a little child-- It was summer when he smiled; Oft the hoary sea and grim Stretched its white arms out to him, Calling: "Sun-Child, come to me, Let me warm my heart with thee"--...
My neighbor's farm and mine lie side by side, And nothing should our mutual trust divide; But they who made th' original survey Were guided by the stars, the records say,...
We waited for him, and the anxious days Melted to years and floated slowly by We spoke of him kind words of lofty praise, Of yearning love and tender sympathy. ...
Alas! what boots the long laborious quest Of moral prudence, sought through good and ill; Or pains abstruse, to elevate the will, And lead us on to that transcendent rest...
Away up on the River aux Lievres, That is foaming and surging always, And from rock to rock leaping through rapids, Which are curtained by showers of spray; ...
Since hired for life, thy servile Muse must sing Successive conquests and a glorious King; Must of a man immortal vainly boast, And bring him laurels whatsoe'er they cost,...
A liberty bond! What a queer contradiction! Although truth, as you've heard, may be stranger than fiction. For Liberty should from all fetters release us, While bonds hold one fast, whether pauper or Croesus....
Brook, of the listening grass, Brook of the sun-fleckt wings, Brook of the same wild way and flickering spell! Must you begone? Will you forever pass, After so many years and dear to tell?--...
"A little bird I am, Shut from the fields of air, And in my cage I sit and sing To Him who placed me there: Well pleased a prisoner to be, Because, my God, it pleases Thee!
When the waves rise high and higher as they toss about together, And the March-winds, loosed and angry, cut your chilly heart in two, Here are eighteen gallant gentlemen who come to face the weather...
It was a little budding rose, Round like a fairy globe, And shyly did its leaves unclose Hid in their mossy robe, But sweet was the slight and spicy smell It breathed from its heart invisible. ...
De win' is hollahin' "Daih you" to de shuttahs an' de fiah, De snow's a-sayin' "Got you" to de groun', Fu' de wintah weathah 's come widout a-askin' ouah desiah, An' he 's laughin' in his sleeve at whut he foun';...
We are in ancient stories told, All were brothers in days of old, But these with facts they do not chime For all mankind do love the dime, And worship the mighty dollar, And admire the golden collar,...