By the waters of Cam, as the shades were descending, A Fellow sat moaning his desolate lot; From his sad eyes were flowing salt rivulets, blending Their tide with the river which heeded them not - ...
Suthin' to put in a story! I couldn't think of a thing, 'N' it's nigh unto thirty year now Since fust I went in the ring. "The life excitin'?" Thunder! "Variety," did you say?...
See, Thaliarch mine, how, white with snow, Soracte mocks the sullen sky; How, groaning loud, the woods are bowed, And chained with frost the rivers lie.
Now stands Soracte white with snow, now bend the laboring trees, And with the sharpness of the frost the stagnant rivers freeze. Pile up the billets on the hearth, to warmer cheer incline,...
Man is for woman made, And woman made for man: As the spur is for the jade, As the scabbard for the blade, As for liquor is the can, So man's for woman made, And woman made for man. ...
A rose-bud by my early walk, Adown a corn-enclosed bawk, Sae gently bent its thorny stalk, All on a dewy morning. Ere twice the shades o' dawn are fled,...
The hills look down on wood and stream, On orchard-land and farm; And o'er the hills the azure-gray Of heaven bends the livelong day With thoughts of calm and storm. ...
At morn I plucked a rose and gave it Thee, A rose of joy and happy love and peace, A rose with scarce a thorn: But in the chillness of a second morn My rose bush drooped, and all its gay increase...
I caught, for a second, across the crowd - Just for a second, and barely that - A face, pox-pitted and evil-browed, Hid in the shade of a slouch-rim'd hat - With small gray eyes, of a look as keen...
Wide thro' the azure blue and bright Serenely floats the lamp of night; The sleeping waves forget to move, And silent is the cedar grove; Each breeze suspended seems to say -...
Death, I would plead against thy wrong, Who hast reft me of my love, my wife, And art not satiate yet with strife, But needs wilt hold me lingering long. No strength since then has kept me strong:...
Theleme is afar on the waters, adrift and afar, Afar and afloat on the waters that flicker and gleam, And we feel but her fragrance and see but the shadows that mar Theleme....
A trader sailed from Stepney town - Wake her up! Shake her up! Try her with the mainsail! A trader sailed from Stepney town With a keg full of gold and a velvet gown: Ho, the bully rover Jack,...
When the sap runs up the tree. And the vine runs o'er the wall, When the blossom draws the bee, From the forest comes a call, Wild, and clear, and sweet, and strange, Many-tongued and murmuring...