To mute and to material things New life revolving summer brings; The genial call dead Nature hears, And in her glory reappears. But oh, my Country's wintry state What second spring shall renovate?...
Wild, wild the storm, and the sea high running, Steady the roar of the gale, with incessant undertone muttering, Shouts of demoniac laughter fitfully piercing and pealing,...
Indignant at the fumbling wits, the obscure spite Of our old Paudeen in his shop, I stumbled blind Among the stones and thorn trees, under morning light; Until a curlew cried and in the luminous wind...
Bond-slave to Christ, and in my bonds rejoicing, Earmarked to Him I counted less than nought; His man henceforward, eager to be voicing That wondrous Love which Saul the Roman sought. ...
Pauline, mine own, bend o'er me thy soft breast Shall pant to mine bend o'er me thy sweet eyes, And loosened hair, and breathing lips, arms Drawing me to thee these build up a screen...
Almost the shell of a woman after the surgeon's knife And almost a year to creep back into strength, Till the dawn of our wedding decennial Found me my seeming self again. We walked the forest together,...
"Captain, I hear the cheers. My soul is glad. My days are numbered, but this glorious day Like some far beacon on a shadowy cape That cheers at night the storm-belabored ships...
SCENE: St. Petersburg. Period: the present time. A ballroom in the winter palace of the Prince--. The ladies in character costumes and masks. The gentlemen in official dress and unmasked, with the...
A century of silent suns Have set since he was laid on sleep, And now they bear with booming guns And streaming banners o'er the deep A withered skin and clammy hair Upon a frame of human bones:...
Beyond the fix'd and settl'd Rules Of Vice and Virtue in the Schools, Beyond the Letter of the Law, Which keeps our Men and Maids in Awe, The better Sort should set before 'em...
Listen, Christina, and yu skol hear 'Bout midnight ride of Paul Revere. Seventeen hundred seventy-five, Hardly a geezer ban now alive Who live har ven Paul ban wolunteer. ...
You would have understood me, had you waited; I could have loved you, dear! as well as he: Had we not been impatient, dear! and fated Always to disagree.
What is the use of speech? Silence were fitter:...
So sick of dreams! the dreams, that stain The aisle, along which life must pass, With hues of mystic colored glass, That fills the windows of the brain.
I listened to the hunger-hearted clown, Sadder than he: I heard a woman sing, - A tall dark woman in a scarlet gown - And saw those golden toys the jugglers fling. I found a tawdry room and there sat I,...
Now, God be thanked Who has matched us with His hour, And caught our youth, and wakened us from sleeping, With hand made sure, clear eye, and sharpened power, To turn, as swimmers into cleanness leaping,...