Good-night, my love, for I have dreamed of thee In waking dreams, until my soul is lost-- Is lost in passion's wide and shoreless sea, Where, like a ship, unruddered, it is tost...
I visited the place where we last met. Nothing was changed, the gardens were well-tended, The fountains sprayed their usual steady jet; There was no sign that anything had ended...
Ah, happy air that, rough or soft, May kiss that face and stay; And happy beams that from above May choose to her their way; And happy flowers that now and then Touch lips more sweet than they! ...
Distance no grace can lend you, but for me Distance yet magnifies your mystery. With you, and soon content, I ask how should In your two eyes be hid my heaven of good?...
"What ails my love, where can he be? He never broke a vow, Though twice the clock's reminded me That he's deceiv'd me now. Through some bad girl, I well know that, Poor Peggy's love's forgot:"...
What shall I do with all the days and hours That must be counted ere I see thy face? How shall I charm the interval that lowers Between this time and that sweet time of grace? ...
LACON: For a kiss or two, confess, What doth cause this pensiveness, Thou most lovely neat-herdess? Why so lonely on the hill? Why thy pipe by thee so still, That erewhile was heard so shrill?...
When Father Time swings round his scythe, Intomb me 'neath the bounteous vine, So that its juices, red and blithe, May cheer these thirsty bones of mine.
Roses ruddy and roses white, What are the joys that my heart discloses? Sitting alone in the fading light Memories come to me here tonight With the wonderful scent of the big red roses. ...
You like the trifling triolet: Well, here are three or four. Unless your likings I forget, You like the trifling triolet. Against my conscience I abet A taste which I deplore;...
To-day I had a burial of my dead. There was no shroud, no coffin, and no pall, No prayers were uttered and no tears were shed - I only turned a picture to the wall. ...
The shore hath blent with the distant skies, O'er the bend of the crested seas, And the leaning ship in her pathway flies, On the sweep of the freshened breeze.