That second time they hunted me From hill to plain, from shore to sea, And Austria, hounding far and wide Her blood-hounds thro' the country-side, Breathed hot and instant on my trace,...
I. I said, Then, dearest, since 'tis so, Since now at length my fate I know, Since nothing all my love avails, Since all, my life seemed meant for, fails, Since this was written and needs must be...
Just for a handful of silver he left us, Just for a riband to stick in his coat Found the one gift of which fortune bereft us, Lost all the others she lets us devote;...
Another day that finds her living yet, Little Pompilia, with the patient brow And lamentable smile on those poor lips, And, under the white hospital-array, A flower-like body, to frighten at a bruise...
I. It was roses, roses, all the way, With myrtle mixed in my path like mad: The house-roofs seemed to heave and sway, The church-spires flamed, such flags they had,...
Like to Ahasuerus, that shrewd prince, I will begin, as is, these seven years now, My daily wont, and read a History (Written by one whose deft right hand was dust To the last digit, ages ere my birth)...
What, he on whom our voices unanimously ran, Made Pope at our last Conclave? Full low his life began: His father earned the daily bread as just a fisherman. ...
Do you see this Ring? 'Tis Rome-work, made to match (By Castellani's imitative craft) Etrurian circlets found, some happy morn, After a dropping April; found alive...
I. Would it were I had been false, not you! I that am nothing, not you that are all I, never the worse for a touch or two On my speckled hide; not you, the pride...
I hear a voice, perchance I heard Long ago, but all too low, So that scarce a care it stirred If the voice was real or no: I heard it in my youth when first The waters of my life outburst:...
As I ride, as I ride, With a full heart for my guide, So its tide rocks my side, As I ride, as I ride, That, as I were double-eyed, He, in whom our Tribes confide,...
I've a Friend, over the sea; I like him, but he loves me; It all grew out of the books I write; They find such favour in his sight That he slaughters you with savage looks...
I chanced upon a new book yesterday; I opened it, and, where my finger lay 'Twixt page and uncut page, these words I read, Some six or seven at most, and learned thereby...