The Parasol

Category: Poetry
You are the loveliest parasol
I ever saw, - and all my own, -
What frilly frills! I feel as tall
As mother now. Here! take my doll.
Dolls are for children - ladies grown
Have parasols, and fans, and rings,
And all those pretty, shiny things.

Nurse calls you "sunshade," but I think
That is too plain a word, for see!
You are so satiny and pink
And there is such a curly kink
Here in your handle, there could be
No name too fine, I love you so,
I'll take you everywhere I go.

Next Sunday when to church I walk,
Above my head I'll hold you high.
Oh! how the other girls will talk,
And maybe some of them will mock,
"How proud she feels," as I pass by -
I'd hold you up, straight down the aisle,
If only people wouldn't smile.

Available translations:

English (Original)