Lines To Lady Warren, On The Departure Of Sir John Borlase Warren, K.B. To Take The Command Of A Squadron.

Category: Poetry
Oh! why does sorrow shade thy face,
Where mind and beauty vie with grace?
Say, dost thou for thy hero weep,
Who gallantly, upon the deep,
Is gone to tell the madd'ning foe,
Tho' vict'ry laid our Nelson low,
We still have chiefs as greatly brave,
Proudly triumphant on the wave?
Dear to thy Country shall thou be,
Fair mourner! and her sympathy
Is thine; for, in the war's alarms,
Thou gav'st thine hero from thine arms;
And only ask'd to sigh alone,
To look to heav'n, and weep him gone.
Oh! soon shall all thy sorrow cease,
And, to thine aching bosom, peace
Shall quick return; - another tear
To love and joy, supremely dear,
Shall give thy gen'rous mind relief -
That tear shall gem the laurel leaf.

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English (Original)