The world may rage without, Quiet is here; Statesmen may toil and shout, Cynics may sneer; The great world - let it go - June warmth be March's snow, I care not - be it so Since I am here....
I see the starting buds, I catch the gleam In the near distance of a sun-kissed pool, The blessed April air blows soft and cool, Small wonder if all sorrow grows a dream,...
Brother and friend I found thee in the hour Of need and day of trouble, strong and true. - In June's fair mirth, and when the sunrise hue Shewed bright where joy had built his thoughtless bower,...
For our Love's sake I bid thee stay, Sweet, ere the hours flee away, Beneath the old acacia tree That waves its blossoms quiveringly, And think awhile of early May: ...
It might have been so different a year To what has been; the summer's guileless play Not all a jest, comes back to me to-day In added sweetness, and provokes a tear....
I will forget those days of mingled bliss And dear delicious pain, - will cast from me All dreams of what I know can never be, Even the remembrance of that parting kiss....
"Pourquoi," she breathed, then drooped her head, (Pure snow-drifts to the sunset wed) As all my weakness I confessed. I shewed how I had done my best, Though long ago I should have fled,...
When summer comes, and when o'er hill and lea The sun's strong wooing glow hath patiently Shed o'er the earth long days his golden dower, And then, by force of his own loving power,...