Just when the gentle hand of spring Came fringing the trees with bud and leaf, And when the blades the warm suns bring Were given glad promise of golden sheaf; Just when the birds began to sing...
Thrice, with a prophet's voice, and prophet's power, The Muse was called in a poetic hour, And insolently thrice the slighted maid Dared to suspend her unregarded aid;...
Cyriack, this three years day these eys, though clear To outward view, of blemish or of spot; Bereft of light thir seeing have forgot, Nor to thir idle orbs doth sight appear...
Dear Mr. Dan Leno, - This has been a great week For Art - One of the biggest weeks in fact On record. For at the beginning of the week, my dear Mr. Leno,...
How long, great Poet, shall thy sacred lays Provoke our wonder, and transcend our praise? Can neither injuries of time, or age, Damp thy poetic heat, and quench thy rage? No so thy Ovid in his exile wrote,...
'Ah, friend! 'tis true--this truth you lovers know-- In vain my structures rise, my gardens grow, In vain fair Thames reflects the double scenes Of hanging mountains, and of sloping greens:...
Auspicious poet, wert thou not my friend, How could I envy, what I must commend! But since 'tis nature's law, in love and wit, That youth should reign, and withering age submit,...
In one great now, superior to an age, The full extremes of nature's force we find: How heavenly virtue can exalt, or rage Infernal how degrade the human mind. ...
Harry, whose tuneful and well-measured song First taught our English music how to span Words with just note and accent, not to scan With Midas' ears, committing short and long,...
My two-fold Book! single in show But double in Contents, Neat, but not curiously adorn'd Which in his early youth, A poet gave, no lofty one in truth...
The blast of common censure could I fear, Before your play my name should not appear; For 'twill be thought, and with some colour too, I pay the bribe I first received from you;...
To thee, we wretches of the Houyhnhnm band, Condemn'd to labour in a barbarous land, Return our thanks. Accept our humble lays, And let each grateful Houyhnhnm neigh thy praise. ...
Dear Mr. Pierpont Morgan, - I hasten to give you a hearty British welcome. Come to my arms; I am in the Trust line myself - That is to say, I used to be Before people started putting up announcements...
True laureate of the Anglo-Saxon race, Whose words have won the hearts of young and old; So free from cant, and yet replete with grace, Or prose or verse it glows like burnished gold;...