Lord, Thou hast given me a cell Wherein to dwell; An little house, whose humble roof Is weather-proof; Under the spars of which I lie Both soft and dry; Where Thou my chamber for to ward...
Store of courage to me grant, Now I'm turn'd a combatant; Help me, so that I my shield, Fighting, lose not in the field. That's the greatest shame of all That in warfare can befall....
Goddess, I begin an art; Come thou in, with thy best part For to make the texture lie Each way smooth and civilly; And a broad-fac'd owl shall be Offer'd up with vows to thee.
Although we cannot turn the fervent fit Of sin, we must strive 'gainst the stream of it; And howsoe'er we have the conquest miss'd, 'Tis for our glory that we did resist.
Like those infernal deities which eat The best of all the sacrificed meat; And leave their servants but the smoke and sweat: So many kings, and primates too there are,...
We two are last in hell; what may we fear To be tormented or kept pris'ners here Alas! if kissing be of plagues the worst, We'll wish in hell we had been last and first.
Paul, he began ill, but he ended well; Judas began well, but he foully fell: In godliness not the beginnings so Much as the ends are to be look'd unto.
When age or chance has made me blind, So that the path I cannot find, And when my falls and stumblings are More than the stones i' th' street by far, Go thou afore, and I shall well...
Be my mistress short or tall And distorted therewithall Be she likewise one of those That an acre hath of nose Be her teeth ill hung or set And her grinders black as jet...
Fools are they who never know How the times away do go; But for us, who wisely see Where the bounds of black death be, Let's live merrily, and thus Gratify the Genius.