A youth and maid upon a summer night Upon the lawn, while yet the skies were light, Edmund and Emma, let their names be these, Among the shrubs within the circling trees,...
Edward and Jane a married couple were, And fonder she of him or he of her Was hard to say; their wedlock had begun When in one year they both were twenty-one;...
To think that men of former days In naked truth deserved the praise Which, fain to have in flesh and blood An image of imagined good, Poets have sung and men received,...
O let me love my love unto myself alone, And know my knowledge to the world unknown; No witness to my vision call, Beholding, unbeheld of all; And worship Thee, with Thee withdrawn apart,...
Come back again, my olden heart! Ah, fickle spirit and untrue, I bade the only guide depart Whose faithfulness I surely knew: I said, my heart is all too soft; He who would climb and soar aloft...
Thou shalt have one God only; -who Would be at the expense of two? No graven images may be Worshipped, except the currency: Swear not at all; for, for thy curse Thine enemy is none the worse:...
Thou shalt have one God only; who Would be at the expense of two? No graven images may be Worshipped, except the currency: Swear not at all; for, for thy curse Thine enemy is none the worse:...
A highland inn among the western hills, A single parlour, single bed that fills With fisher or with tourist, as may be; A waiting-maid. as fair as you can see,...
Why should I say I see the things I see not? Why be and be not? Show love for that I love not, and fear for what I fear not? And dance about to music that I hear not?...
Lo, here is God, and there is God! Believe it not, O Man; In such vain sort to this and that The ancient heathen ran: Though old Religion shake her head, And say in bitter grief,...
The human spirits saw I on a day, Sitting and looking each a different way; And hardly tasking, subtly questioning, Another spirit went around the ring To each and each: and as he ceased his say,...