"Get up! let us flee from the Foe," Said the Man: but the Ass said, "Why so?" "Will they double my load, Or my blows? Then, by goad, And by stirrup, I've no cause to go."
How dazzling the sunbeams awoke on the spray, When Australia first rose in the distance away, As welcome to us on the deck of the bark, As the dove to the vision of those in the ark!...
When Chewed-ear Jenkins got hitched up to Guinneyveer McGee, His flowin' locks, ye recollect, wuz frivolous an' free; But in old Hymen's jack-pot, it's a most amazin' thing,...
Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet, Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God's great Judgment Seat; But there is neither East nor West, Border, nor Breed, nor Birth,...
A son of elder sons I am, Whose boyhood days were cramped and scant, Through ages of domestic sham And family lies and family cant. Come, elder brothers mine, and bring...
Oh, say, have you seen at the Willows so green So charming and rurally true A singular bird, with a manner absurd, Which they call the Australian Emeu? Have you Ever seen this Australian Emeu? ...
In the oldest of our alleys, By good bejants tenanted, Once a man whose name was Wallace-- William Wallace--reared his head. Rowdy Bejant in the college He was styled:...
[One of the notable features of Baltimore is the big bell that hangs in the city hall tower, to strike the hour and sound the fire alarm. It is called "Big Sam," and weighs 5,000 pounds]
What are the mortal facts With which we deal? The man is thirty years, Most vital, in a richness physical, Of musical heart and feeling; and the woman Is twenty-eight, a cradle warm and rich...
From this bleeding hand of mine, Take this sprig of Eglantine: Which, though sweet unto your smell, Yet the fretful briar will tell, He who plucks the sweets, shall prove Many thorns to be in love.
Sweet are the hours when roseate spring With health and joy salutes the day. When zephyr, borne on wanton wing, Soft whispering, wakes the blushing May. Sweet are the hours, yet not so sweet...
'A tavern is the rendezvous, the exchange, the staple of good fellows. I have heard my great-grandfather tell, how his great-great-grandfather should say, that it was an old proverb when his great-grandfather was a child, that ...